School Bus Driver Jobs MN Salary – Charter Bus – Northstar Bus Lines

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Why Student Feelings About your Bus Lines Matter

Professional feedback: we either love it or hate it—sometimes both at once! On the one hand, it can be flattering to know where you’re succeeding, but on the other, it can be quite embarrassing to know where you aren’t. As a school administrator, perhaps you’ve implemented various steps and procedures to collect feedback on everyone from your janitors to your office staff to your teachers themselves, but have you ever thought about doing so for your school bus contractor?

If not, perhaps it’s time you start. Your group transportation services play a far bigger role than simply getting your students from point A to point B. For one, quality school bus services are the singular best way to ensure your students are beginning and ending their days in positive moods. This fosters similar feelings about your school, which makes everything from teaching to disciplinary action easier. In addition, your students need to be at school on time in order to learn, and they similarly need to arrive home with enough time to rest and ready themselves for the next day. Without a quality school bus contractor on your side, school performance would suffer. Finally, in today’s chaotic times, your students deserve a grounding, centering source of security. They need something that’s consistent and predictable. After all, it’s hard to learn and perform at your best when you feel as though your whole world is spinning out of control. While your teachers and staff create crucial sources of regularity for your students, so too can your student transportation services. By providing transportation with a smile and a kind word day in and day out, your students’ days can become more predictable, which is something that can help set the stage for a positive and productive learning environment.

Due to their practical and emotional influences on your students’ health and academic performances, it’s plain to see that your group transportation services are an integral part of maintaining a school environment that is conducive to learning. Ensuring these services are working well via seeking feedback is in your best interests as an administrator.

However, you don’t need to stick to conventional paper-and-pencil approaches to seek student feedback about how your school bus services are working. There are plenty of other, less invasive, and time-consuming routes you can take. Northstar Bus Lines, a Maple Grove school bus contractor, will discuss them below.

Seeking Student Feedback Need Not be Difficult

If you haven’t already, it’s time to shed the idea that this must be a massive ordeal or one that requires you to sift through huge stacks of sometimes-illegible survey forms. We understand that your time as a school administrator is limited.

The truth of the matter is that the vibe your student transportation services create amongst your student body is so pervasive that assessing it is simple.

  • How do your students act when they come off of the busses and into school? Are they excessively rowdy or disruptive? Are they sullen and gloomy? Are they smiling and chatting happily with their peers, ready to start the day on the right foot? Outside influences excluded, student conduct upon entering the building is a direct reflection of how they have been treated on the bus. Hyperactive students might be the result of a bus driver who does not pay enough attention to discipline, while depressive or angry students might stem from one who is snappish or harsh. Calm yet contented students, in contrast, are a sign that your bus company is fostering a positive atmosphere and functioning as it should.

  • How have your students been performing at sporting events? Have there been reports of any incidents on the bus there? While there are plenty of factors that influence any given team’s performance, their transportation to the game is definitely one of them. Your students should come off the bus focused, happy, and optimistic; any other mood could be a sign that your bus company is negatively influencing their game.

  • How have your students behaved at field trips? Field trips, while exciting, are also important PR trips, of sorts, for your school. Rowdy and otherwise poorly behaved students will certainly not be allowed back next year, and this behavior is definitely, as far as the public is concerned, a representation of your school as a whole. If your school bus company is doing its job, disruptive behavior will be minimized, and joyous learning maximized. Courtesy to your hosts is also greatly affected by how well your students are managed on the bus ride there.

Contact Northstar Bus Lines for Quality Student Transportation Services

With our gracious pay and heaps of employee benefits, we set the stage for our drivers to provide only the highest-quality service to your deserving students. To see what great bussing can do for your school, give us a call now at 763-425-2542. We look forward to hearing from you.